Unable to remove any roles from Windows Server 2012 R2: WinRM pool corrupted or missing

I am in the process of migrating Windows Server 2012 R2 to Window Server 2019. While trying to remove a CA role to migrate to Windows Server 2019, server threw an error : ” Failed to open the runspace pool. The Server Manager WinRM plug-in might be corrupted or missing” I also have WSUS running on this server.

Sometime google-fu will lead you to troubles. I followed this article, https://www.tecklyfe.com/fix-failed-open-runspace-pool-server-manager-winrm-plug-might-corrupted-missing/. One of the solutions provided is to add a loop back address – netsh http add iplisten This did not resolve the issue instead killed my WSUS server.

The solution for me was , I had to remove a GPO which had Remote Access Shell disabled.

After migration the CA from Windows Server 2012 AR2, I rebooted the server. I tried to access WSUS but it failed miserably. Going through the events log every services associated with WSUS failed. By then it was obvious that my earlier action created an issue. I ran the following command to remove the loop back address – netsh http delete iplisten ipaddress= and restarted all WSUS services. Wa la I was able access to WSUS.