Gracefully shutting down Brocade VDX Switches

Note on gracefully shutting down Brocade VDXs 6740s in Logical Chassis Mode

  1. Backup the configuration
    copy running-config ftp://username@ipaddress/path/filename
    or use Putty but enable the session logging. To avoid the page break use the nomore option
    show running-config | nomore
  1. Shutdown the Principal Switch Last
  2. Login to each switch in the logical chassis and gracefully shutdown the database (to avoid any database corruption):
    Access the Root Shell:
    Sw0#unhide foscmd
    Password: ****** (fibranne)
    Sw0# fos bash | no
    Run the following commands:
    bash-2.04#shutdown -h now
  3. Pull the power plugs

Powering on the VDXs in the Logical Chassis- Power on the Principal Switch First. Waiting to converge and forming a cluster will take time. Go and take a break.

Shutting Down VDX 8770-4 with two Management Modules(MMs)

  1. Backup the configurations
  2. Physically remove the standby MM (if you have two)
  3. Login to each switch in the logical chassis and gracefully shutdown the database (to avoid any database corruption):
    Access the Root Shell:
    Sw0#unhide foscmd
    Password: ****** (fibranne)
    Sw0# fos bash | no
    Run the following commands:
    bash-2.04#shutdown -h now
  4. Pull the power plugs

Power on the VDX 8770 with the standby MM on.